10-11-2022 – Disability and Leave Denial

While I am in Appeal starting the last week of Aug 2022, they said it would take 45 days. So my benefits will end 09-03-2022. No more income and no insurance, insurance comes out of my check.

At this time I am trying to hold out the 45 days Walmart claims it will take. If the appeal goes through ok I will get back pay. So now I getting letters from Sedgwick telling me to go back to work, but I am still in the appeal process, why are you sending me letters?

On the 24th of Oct 2022 the HR manager calls me and said I have to go to the Doctor but I have no insurance or income. The HR Manager said well you work for Walmart so you do have insurance, but when she checked to verify they said I do not.She said I can’t have you on the board unless you are on medical leave. So I am thinking that I could get temp disability until the appeal was up with Sedgwick. So I go to where the two different doctors said you need to see a specialist that Walmart sent me too.

Hopkins Minor Emergency Center faxed the papers to the HR Manager at Walmart DC in Palestine Tx. You will see I sent it to her myself below. Then it shows she tells me to take care of my injury that I got while on the job. But, I had no income or insurance as I was cut off on 09-03-2022.

Then it was sent to Sedgwick by  the HR Manager at the Walmart DC in Palestine Texas. The report from the doctor said I need to see a specialist. So now I have 3 doctors saying that, but Walmart does not listen, and  Sedgwick turns me down and the reports still says I an hurt.

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